Capuchin Crypt

Roma Opera Omnia
Rome - Capuchin Crypt
Performances: Th 24 Oct 2024, 16:45
Roma Opera Omnia
Rome - Capuchin Crypt
Performances: Th 19 Dec 2024, 16:45 - 18:00

Santa Maria Immacolata is the Capuchins church in Rome, built by Pope Urbano VIII Barberini (XVII c.) close to Piazza Barberini, in Via Veneto, one of the most famous street of Rome, set of the film La dolce vita, by Federico Fellini.


Inside the church, you can see masterpieces by Guido Reni (S. Michele Arcangelo), Domenichino, Pietro da Cortona, Gherardo delle notti, Antonio Sacchi and others. The shocking Crypt-museum is decorated with 4.000 bones of friars. Here you can find also a masterpiece of Caravaggio: La meditazione di S. Francesco.