San Salvatore in Lauro

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The Courtyard of S. Salvatore in Lauro: an oasis of beauty in the heart of Rome
Imagine a Renaissance courtyard, immersed in the silence of the historic center of Rome. An enchanting place, where the history can be felt in every corner and the architectural beauty blends with the harmony of nature.
A jump into the past:
Crossing the threshold of the S. Salvatore in Lauro Complex, you are catapulted into another era. The first cloister of Complex, with a structure dating back to the 15th century, it is a real architectural jewel, with its two-sided loggia orders of arches and its elegant columns. While the surprising courtyard, an oasis of peace in the beating heart of the city eternal, it is the ideal place to take refuge from the chaos and frenzy of daily life, to enjoy the experience of attending our own concerts but, exceptionally, outdoors.
A natural stage:
The beauty of the courtyard makes it a natural stage for cultural events of great value. Our concerts that yes will be held on 16/07 and 23/07, they are an unmissable opportunity to experience the magic of this enchanted place, letting yourself transported by the notes and the beauty of the context.
An unforgettable experience:
Attending a concert in the courtyard of S. Salvatore in Lauro will be an unforgettable experience. A perfect combination of music, art and history, which offers unique emotions and seals the memory of a special evening. In case of rain, the concerts will be held in the adjacent Salone dei Piceni, where you will be surrounded by an environment rich in history and art. Suffice it to say that today's hall was the ancient refectory of the convent, and inside it there we find not only a beautiful and large fresco depicting the Wedding at Cana by Francesco Salviati (16th century) but even the tomb of Pope Eugene IV!